Crying bitterly

"Why are you sitting outside?" Song Jingchen wanted to hold her hand, but he remembered that his hand was too cold.

Before he could retract his hand, her small hand had already grabbed his. Their fingers were intertwined tightly.

Shen Yijia turned around and grinned at him. "My hands are warm."

Furball, who was wagging its tail beside the two of them, rolled its eyes silently. How could it not be warm? It was the one who warmed it up.

Song Jingchen tightened his grip. "Let's go in."

Shen Yijia shook her head and followed Song Jingchen. She kept staring at Song Jingchen's face and said casually, "Ah Xun has been back in the Hun Royal Court for so long. Why hasn't there been any news from him?"

Song Jingchen wondered why this girl was waiting outside today. It seemed that the brat from the Huns had sent a third letter.

Shen Yijia blinked. She did not realize that her beautiful husband was feeling guilty.