
Although those women's methods were similar to Mo Yuan's, it wasn't the same. Mo Yuan followed Shen Yijia directly. At least those women could not enter the residence for now.

Shen Yijia was someone who would listen to coaxing but not coercion. In her opinion, they were threatening her by kneeling outside the door, so she ignored them.

"I'll get someone to send them back for you," Song Jingchen said.

Actually, he still hoped that Shen Yijia could nurture a few trusted aides. Those women were still relatively young, and Shen Yijia had done them a favor. They were the most suitable candidates.

However, if Shen Yijia was unwilling, he would not force her.

Shen Yijia puffed up her cheeks and shook her head. "No need. The weather is so cold. It'll snow later. They'll naturally leave when they're tired of kneeling."