Found It (1)

After the rain, the already difficult mountain path became even more difficult to navigate. There were bushes all around, not to mention insects and ants. After walking for a while, water could be wrung out of their shoes and socks.

In the end, under Song Jingchen's suggestion, Shen Yijia climbed onto Furball's back.

She didn't have to walk by herself, but Furball could bring her everywhere. Shen Yijia felt that she had walked for nothing. Why didn't she think of this earlier?

She had just asked Furball to bring her around and return to Song Jingchen's side when she waved at him excitedly. "Hubby, do you want to come up with me?"

This was more fun than riding a horse.

Song Jingchen glanced at Furball, who was panting from Shen Yijia's torture, and shook his head. "No need. I'm not tired."