Very Strange (1)

"Hubby, Mother and the others!" After An Dong left, Shen Yijia found her voice.

Song Jingchen held her hand and patted it to comfort her. "Let's go to the county city first."

Ten days ago, they were still on the way back. Even if something happened, Fan Mingyuan or others would not be able to send him a message.

Someone might have come to the house, but the truth was definitely not as An Dong and the others had guessed.

He was more inclined to think that his mother and the others were hiding, but he would only know the details when he saw Fan Mingyuan.

They did not even have time to move the things in the carriage. They unloaded the carriage and rode towards the county city.

Furball wanted to crawl into the hole, but it got stuck.

When Shen Dali heard the villagers' discussion and rushed to the end of the village, he was annoyed to see that they had already left.