
On the other side, Song Jingchen glanced indifferently at the corpses of the men in black on the ground. He bent down and pulled out his sword from their bodies. He frowned. These people's skills…

He didn't continue walking because this person had come from there.

These people were still active on this mountain. At the very least, it meant that Mother and the others were indeed still hiding in this mountain.

Song Jingchen changed directions and was about to call Furball to follow when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart.

The sudden pain made him groan. He subconsciously raised his hand to cover his chest and tightened his grip on the sword.

Furball seemed to sense his emotions and dug at the dead branches on the ground uneasily.

"Can you find where Jiajia is?" Song Jingchen looked at Furball nervously.

Furball growled softly and turned around to run into the forest. Song Jingchen immediately followed.