Preposterous (1)

Shen Yijia was thinking about finding a house. In addition, it was too hot to sleep, so she woke up early.

Unexpectedly, Song Jingchen woke up earlier than her. Shen Yijia suspected that he had not slept the entire night.

The breakfast was laid out in Madam Li's room. Song Jingchen had gone out to buy it.

There were more than ten meat buns and pickled vegetables. In addition, the inn cooked a pot of porridge.

Madam Li picked up a bun and took a small bite. She paused. "Did you buy it from the shop in Cat's Alley?"

Song Jingchen nodded indifferently and picked a meat bun for Shen Yijia. "I think Jiajia will like it."

"It still tastes the same." Madam Li asked Shen Yijia to try it quickly. Cat Alley was in the south of the city, far from this area.

Shen Yijia looked at Madam Li and then at Song Jingchen. She picked up the bun and took a big bite. The soft filling inside flowed into her hand.