Saving People (2)

If not for what happened yesterday, Emperor Chong'an would not even be willing to give him this official position.

However, he quickly figured it out. Song Jingchen didn't have the Bulwark Duke's residence and the Song family's army.

Song Jingchen was just a paper tiger. If he wanted to gain a foothold in the capital, he had to work for him.

The position of the court minister was just right. He also had the right to investigate cases. Song Jingchen could help him investigate the whereabouts of the missing girls.

The investigation of that case was a deal between him and Song Jingchen. There was no need to say it explicitly. The two of them knew it very well.

After Eunuch Li presented the rewards, he left. Apart from some cloth, the rest were hairpins and jewelry.

Although it was said to be a reward for Song Jingchen, there was nothing that men could use. Instead, it was for some young women.