Finally Meeting (3)

When his body was suspended in the air, he was already prepared to lie in bed for the next few days.

"Young Master, Young Master, are you alright?" Zhu Zi and Shuan Zi ran over and helped him up.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Ziming realized that he had knocked someone down. He stood up and helped the unlucky monk stand up. Seeing that he was fine, he heaved a sigh of relief.

He turned to look at Shen Yijia accusingly and realized that the atmosphere was not right.

Shen Yijia and the expressionless Mo Yuan looked at the person beside him.

His usually motionless imperial uncle was even more exaggerated. He was clearly sitting just now, but he had already stood up with a shocked expression.

He turned around curiously and was stunned on the spot. So he was ignorant? Why did this person also have that flower bud?