Following the Wind (2)

The capital magistrate remembered that Lord Shen was Song Jingchen's father-in-law and told him about this.

Of course, there was more or less a hint of some drama happening. It was fine if his father-in-law took care of his mistress, but he was even kidnapped from her bed. No matter how one looked at it, this was very embarrassing.

Song Jingchen's first thought was that the little girl at home had done it. He didn't say anything and took the initiative to take on this case.

At the same time, he asked South Wind to return to the Song residence. When he heard that Shen Yijia was not at home, he was even more certain of this guess.

He originally thought that Shen Yijia would bring them to a deserted place to teach them a lesson or kill them. He only brought the search team out of the city to stall for time.

Now it seemed that this girl had clearly brought Shen Pingxiu out of the city.