Blaming Others (2)

Shen Wenbo's idea was indeed vicious. This way, Shen Pingxiu went from being the target of everyone's ridicule to a victim.

They would think that his mistress was fake, and the mastermind was his biological daughter. When the time came, more people would sympathize with him. Who would still remember that he had swaggered around naked?

This matter would get resolved, but Shen Yijia, who was the scapegoat, could not escape death.

In order to prevent Song Jingchen from coming out to cause trouble, he specially begged Second Young Master to get him out of the capital. When he returned, the matter would already be settled.

Lord Cai spoke. "Madam Song Shen, Madam Zhang complained that you bribed her to slander the imperial court's officials first. After that, you intended to silence her. Do you plead guilty?"