Revenge Is Easy (1)

There was the Wutong River outside Cangtong Town. The river was nearly bottomless, and almost all the nearby citizens relied on that river to live.

The weather had been too hot recently. The farmers often went into the water to cool down.

Previously, they did not notice anything unusual until the group of people went into the river yesterday. When they went ashore, they realized that one person was missing.

He didn't see anyone go ashore, but he was gone. Other than an accident in the river, he didn't think about anything else.

Everyone gathered the people from Fushui and dived into the water to search. Not only did they find their companions who were entangled in the seaweed, but they also found a corpse that had long become bloated from the river.

Everyone was so frightened that they quickly got someone to report it to the authorities.

It was a female corpse. Her body had already rotted so much that her original appearance could not be seen.