Freeloading (2)

Shen Yijia thought to herself, "No, that's my money. How can taking my own money be considered a robbery?"

The envoy from the Wu Kingdom arrived in Chang'an Capital a day later than the envoy from the Xuanyuan Kingdom. This time, it was Princess Changle and Duke Ping of the Wu Kingdom. Although the lineup was not as impressive as the Xuanyuan Kingdom, they had given the emperor of Great Xia enough respect.

Princess Changle was the only princess in the Wu Kingdom who had yet to marry. The little emperor had to call her aunt.

It was not difficult to guess what the Wu Kingdom, who had just experienced a coup, was up to. However, it was unknown if the other party's target was the Xuanyuan Kingdom or Great Xia.

As for Duke Ping, he was the only duke with a different surname in the Wu Kingdom.