An Incident (1)

After Shen Yijia could not help but laugh, Brother Hao was completely dispirited. No matter how she comforted him, it was useless.

Shen Yijia could only hand over the heavy responsibility of coaxing him to Sister Huan.

Although Sister Huan and Brother Hao's personalities had also changed as they grew older, the natural connection between twins could not be changed.

After a while, the two of them gathered together and discussed Brother Hao's story.

Most of it was Brother Hao talking. Sister Huan listened with relish and occasionally added a few words.

Shen Yijia rubbed her chin. Perhaps every child had a burly hero living in their hearts?

But would anyone really look like that?

In the noodle shop, Feng Manman looked at the small porcelain box in front of her in a daze.

"Is Brother Xiao getting married?" she thought.