Trapped in the Fire (3)

Because Feng Manman had been poisoned and her body had been injured after the detoxification, she felt especially insecure.

Under her pleading, Xiao Qirui had no choice but to accompany her in the residence for a few days.

He had finally escaped and returned to the military camp today. There were too many official matters to attend to previously. He originally planned to rest there, but for some reason, he felt uneasy.

He simply rushed back overnight. He did not expect to see such a scene as soon as he stepped into the residence.

The fire soared into the sky, and the red light connected. Everyone ran towards the backyard with containers. The shouts rang in his head.

"Young Master, it seems to be in the direction of Young Madam's courtyard…" Xiao Li said in a daze.

Before he could finish speaking, the person in front had already run out.

Xiao Li was stunned and quickly followed.