Sent Back (3)

You Bai shrugged. "Perhaps everyone feels differently. Uncle Tong, I think your Young General is about to die. You should quickly get a doctor to take a look at him. I'll leave first."

The coachman was from the village and was an old man left behind by Yuan Yuwan's mother. When he heard this, he turned his horse around and left with a wave of the whip.

Xiao Tong ate a mouthful of dust and spat twice. He muttered, "Why is this girl still cursing people? She wasn't like this in the past."

"Uncle Tong, quickly get someone to call a doctor," Xiao Li urged.

This was nothing. They both searched from morning to afternoon and ran to five or six villages to find the Young Madam.

When the Young Madam said that she did not want to see guests, You Bai immediately brought more than ten farmers out and guarded against them, not letting them take a step closer.

The Young Master was also stubborn. He wanted to see the Young Madam no matter what.