Evidence (1)

Due to An Xiu'er's matter, when Shen Yijia rushed to the street outside the palace, she could only see the heads in front of her. She could not see what was going on inside.

She tried to squeeze in, but there were too many people. There was not even a gap. No matter how strong she was, there was nothing she could do.

"Hey, why are you squeezing? Go to the back. If you wanted to watch the commotion, you should have come early. Look at how many people are here, stop making things more chaotic." A burly man pushed her back.

"That's right. With your thin arms and legs, you might as well stay at the back obediently. Anyway, someone will send a message if anything happens ahead." Another man pushed her.

"Hey, why hasn't anyone spread the news yet?" someone asked and stood in front of Shen Yijia.

Shen Yijia, who had finally squeezed in, was pushed back to where she was.

Shen Yijia was speechless.