Major Discovery (1)

Apart from the occasional rustling of leaves in the wind, there was only the clicking of feet on branches and the clear breathing of the two people in the deep mountains.

Song Jingchen and Shen Yijia followed the bloodstains on the ground and finally stopped at a mountain stream under a cliff.

The blood stopped here.

Shen Yijia looked up. "Could Furball and Riceball have fallen from above?"

"It's possible, but we can't rule out the possibility that they came through the mountain stream," Song Jingchen said.

Shen Yijia's face fell. "Then what should we do now?"

The mountain was so huge. It would have been fine if there was a general direction, but now, there was no blood that could guide them. Not to mention the two of them, it would probably be difficult to find even if they asked for the help of all the monks of the Hidden Spirit Temple.

Song Jingchen suddenly looked in a certain direction and said softly, "Someone's here."