The Dust Has Settled (3)

The emperor was furious. "You!"

"Your Majesty is already speechless. Commander Lin, hurry up and go!"

"Yes, go quickly."

The other ministers echoed.

Lin Mu took the cloth from his subordinate in a daze. By the time he reacted, he had already personally tied the emperor up and thrown him to the ground.

Meeting the emperor's scarlet eyes, Lin Mu's heart skipped a beat. "Elder Zhao is right. His Majesty is indeed crazy."

Elder Zhao was speechless.

The morals of the world were declining day by day. People's hearts were no longer the same as before.

Seeing more and more imperial guards fall, Shen Yijia frowned and exchanged glances with Song Jingchen. The two of them tacitly gave up on the rebels beside them and went straight for Shangguan Yu.

The principle of capturing the leader first was never wrong.