Arriving at the Xuanyuan Kingdom

"Ah Chen, you were looking for me?"

Shangguan Han lacked people he could trust, so Fan Mingyuan did not return to Anyang County.

Song Jingchen nodded and gestured for him to sit down before saying, "The Wu Kingdom shouldn't make any big moves in the short term, but we can't let our guard down."

Fan Mingyuan frowned and said, "Ah Han sent someone to the Wu Kingdom. I wonder if he…"

"Don't get your hopes up," Song Jingchen said.

With the ambitious Yan Guangmao and the Valley of Heavenly Secrets around, he was no longer alone from the moment Shangguan Yu returned to the Wu Kingdom.

"What are you suggesting?"

"To prevent anything from happening, we should send troops to the border in advance to guard against any accidents."

"Do you have a suitable candidate?" Fan Mingyuan asked.

Song Jingchen held his forehead. "I can't make all the decisions for Ah Han."