Attack (3)

Ji Luo was so touched that his eyes turned red. "You must be hungry. Mother will make you a bowl of noodles."

Shen Yijia's hands trembled. "No need, no need. We're not hungry yet. Let's have lunch when Mo Yuan comes back."

Song Jingchen found it funny, but he agreed. "Mother, rest for a while."

"I won't cook too much. Fill your stomachs first."

She put away the gifts that Shen Yijia had given her and went into the kitchen.

"Madam, I'll help you start the fire." Hearing about the food, Thirty Thousand followed her.

Song Jingchen and Shen Yijia looked at each other. They were doomed!

A knock sounded at the door.

There was a knock on the door behind her. Someone was at home, and the door was not closed.

Shen Yijia turned around and saw a middle-aged man with a white beard standing at the door.

The man was wearing very ordinary clothes and smiled at her uncomfortably.