
Perhaps because she wanted to see Ji Luo, Empress Dowager Zhou refused to lie down even though she was in low spirits. Xuanyuan Qi was helpless and could only help her sit down on a chair.

Seeing that she could not even sit still and was still gritting her teeth, Shen Yijia rolled her eyes.

What was she doing, did she want to intimidate her mother?

Not long after, Mo Yuan helped Ji Luo in.

Empress Dowager Zhou's gaze had not left her since she stepped into the bedroom.

Ji Luo was wearing a veil, so her face could not be seen clearly. However, her eyes still evoked Empress Dowager Zhou's memories when she first saw her.

She made a scene at the wedding banquet. She was ostentatious, unreasonable, and unreasonable. She did not have the gentleness and virtuousness that a woman should have.

Noticing the scar on the side of her eyebrows that extended from under the veil, Empress Dowager Zhou paused with a complicated expression.