Delivering The News

Shen Yijia's punch was wrapped in killing intent. The wind from her punch stirred the hair on Xuanyuan Ye's temples.

At the critical moment, an aura suddenly attacked her from behind.

Shen Yijia had no choice but to retract her hand and dodge.

It was also during this time that another black shadow quickly retreated with Xuanyuan Ye.

Looking at the two men in black standing in front of Xuanyuan Ye, Shen Yijia frowned. The auras of these two people did not seem to belong to the Demon Guards.

Before she could figure it out, Xuanyuan Ye had already explained to her in a trembling voice, "They're secret guards sent by Imperial Uncle to protect me. If you kill me today, Imperial Uncle will immediately know. If you leave now, I can pretend that nothing happened…"

Xuanyuan Ye could not understand why Shen Yijia still clung to her even though Bai Zhi had already admitted that she was the one who spread the rumors.