Waking Up

"Hubby!" Shen Yijia's heart sank. She crawled over in a panic. Just as she touched his back, the heat in her palm made her heart skip a beat.

She quickly turned Song Jingchen over.

His face was flushed, and intermittent muffled groans spilled out of his clenched teeth.

Shen Yijia hugged Song Jingchen with trembling hands. "Hubby, don't scare me."

"Young Madam?" Thirty Thousand's voice came from outside the door. It turned out that Ji Luo was worried and asked him to guard outside.

Shen Yijia said anxiously, "Thirty Thousand, quickly, call my mother over."

Thirty Thousand agreed and jogged to look for someone. Ji Luo wanted to find a way to treat the plague as soon as possible. She was still in the pharmacy at this time.

Not long after, the door was pushed open from the outside. The wind and rain blew in, and Shen Yijia shivered from the cold. She subconsciously hugged Song Jingchen tighter.