
Full Moon Restaurant was the tall building Shen Yijia had seen when she first entered Phoenix City. It was originally a high pavilion that the Tang family had spent a lot of money to build. After the Tang family fell, it fell under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Revenue.

Due to this plague, Full Moon Restaurant was no longer taken care of like any other teahouse or wine shop. However, when the carriage arrived, it was already hung with all kinds of lanterns.

Without letting Thirty Thousand follow, Shen Yijia carried Song Jingchen upstairs.

This was a four-story pavilion. Apart from the wing on the top floor, there was also an observation platform. Standing on the observation platform, one could see the entire Phoenix City.

When they arrived at the observation platform, Shen Yijia placed Song Jingchen on the soft couch that had been prepared long ago and sat down so that he could lean half of his body against her.