
Not long after Song Jingchen left, Mo Yuan brought in a food box.


She was too excited in the morning and did not eat. Now that she saw a table full of delicacies, Shen Yijia immediately started eating.

Mo Yuan helped her scoop a bowl of fish soup. "Master has already instructed me to prepare it."

However, Song Jingchen hadn't left the room yet, so it was not appropriate for her to knock on the door.

Shen Yijia took a sip of the soup. The soup was milky and mellow. The fish was fresh and tender, and it melted in her mouth. She smiled. "Mother is so good."

After she filled her stomach, Mo Yuan put the leftovers back into the food box and took out a booklet. "Master asked me to give this to Miss."

Shen Yijia took it. There was only a portrait of a beauty drawn on the booklet. She asked curiously, "What is this?"

Mo Yuan shook her head. "I don't know, but Master specially instructed Miss to read it carefully."