Sending Her Away (2)

On the other side, Xiao Qirui brought Song Jinghuan back to his tent.

"I'll get someone to send you back to the capital tomorrow," Xiao Qirui said directly.

Song Jinghuan frowned. "General, you want to chase me out of the military camp. Have I made a mistake?"

Because she had insulted Meng Linlang? That shouldn't be the case. Didn't the general speak up for her just now?

Knowing that she had misunderstood, Xiao Qirui sighed and said earnestly, "Sister Huan, your brother wrote to me previously to ask me to take care of you, but as you can see, Nanling Pass is in danger of being broken through by the Wu Kingdom's army at any moment. If anything happens to you while you're here, how will I explain it to your brother?"

Because he treated Sister Huan as his sister, he didn't beat around the bush.

He was not saying this to scare her. If they continued to defend passively, it was only a matter of time before the city fell.