Looking for Trouble (2)

On the other side, Xiao Qirui had his injuries bandaged by the military doctor. He looked at Liu Jinbao, who was standing opposite him, and was about to give him some advice when Xiao Li walked in anxiously. "General, bad news. Lieutenant Song is fighting with someone."

Not many people knew Song Jinghuan's identity. Coincidentally, they were all in this tent.

However, neither side knew that the other person knew.

As soon as Xiao Li finished speaking, Liu Jinbao had already run out before Xiao Qirui could react.

Xiao Qirui looked at Liu Jinbao's back and was stunned for a moment. He frowned and stood up to walk out. He asked, "What happened?"

Xiao Lisui told him what he had found out.

Halfway there, they happened to meet Meng Wu.

Meng Wu was in his early forties this year. He had a full beard and a pair of sharp eyes.

The two of them were of the same level, but Xiao Qirui was a Junior, so he greeted first, "General Meng."