Jiajia Is Here (3)

At this moment, under the cover of black gunpowder and bows, the soldiers of the Wu Kingdom below had already pieced together the main ladders and built several scaling ladders.

The Wu Kingdom army's black gunpowder attack also stopped at this moment.

This further confirmed Song Jingchen's guess.

The Wu Kingdom had limited black gunpowder.

Actually, it was not difficult to analyze. Saltpeter mines were rare. Since it was one of the materials used to make black gunpowder, the black gunpowder produced by the Wu Kingdom could not support a war.

Therefore, although he had already gotten someone to study it, he did not bet all his chips on it.

Outside the city wall, the enemy forces struggled to climb up the ladder.

The soldiers on the city wall threw rocks and poured oil down. However, they had already used up a lot of these things in the previous attacks. If this continued, they would run out of ammunition and food sooner or later.