The Kitchen (1)

Shen Yijia slept until the afternoon. When she opened her eyes, Song Jingchen was no longer in the tent. She asked the soldiers guarding outside the tent and found out that he had just left.

"Do you want me to help you find the general?" the soldier asked.

In the military camp, everyone was still used to calling Song Jingchen a general.

Shen Yijia thought for a moment and shook her head. "No need. By the way, where's the kitchen?"

"Madam, are you hungry? I can…"

Shen Yijia held her forehead. "No, I'm going to find someone."

She had not seen Sister Huan since she returned to the general's residence from the city tower yesterday. Since she was in the military camp, she naturally had to visit her.

The soldier suggested, "The kitchen is a little far from here. Why don't we bring you there?"

This time, Shen Yijia did not refuse. After all, this was the military camp, so it was not appropriate for her to run around.