Good News

In the suburbs of the capital, because it had rained for a few days in a row, the farmstead was covered in mud.

"There's no end to this damn weather," You Bai muttered. She resigned herself to her fate and cleaned up the corridor. Seeing that it was about time, she put down the broom and went to the kitchen to get a basin of water to bring into Yuan Yuwan's room.

She first placed the basin on a shelf at the side and walked to the bed to hang up the curtain. Just as she lifted a corner, she saw the girl sitting motionless on the bed with her knees crossed. She was shocked. "Miss, why didn't you call me when you woke up?"

As she spoke, she hung the bed curtain properly and touched the embroidered pillow. There was no warmth on it, so it was obvious that the girl had woken up long ago.

Her heart skipped a beat. She reached out to touch the girl's forehead.