Missing (3)

She opened one of them. It was a dried flower, a few hairpin rings, a safety buckle, and a few smooth and round stones.

Seeing this, Yuan Yuwan's tears fell uncontrollably again.

She was not someone who liked to cry, but tonight's tears seemed to be endless.

In the other box was a messy stack of letters. A few of them were even stained with blood. When she picked them up, she realized that these letters had no end. They seemed to have been cut in half.

Her vision gradually blurred. With trembling hands, she poured out all the letters and pieced them together…

"On the 15th of January in the first year of Qianyuan. We passed by the Liangshan Mountain and encountered heavy snow. The army temporarily rested and walked alone in frustration. We saw the red plums in the snow on the mountain. They were extremely beautiful. You were not around, so I secretly took one of the red plum blossoms and made it into dried flowers. I hope Ah Wan will be happy."