The Dust Settles (4)

His mind kept replaying his crimes and calling him a coward.

Song Jingchen took the opportunity to attack him. The huge force sent him flying and he fell to the ground.

"Your Majesty!" Lianshan was shocked.

"Don't come over!" Shangguan Yu shouted at the soldiers who wanted to retreat. He used his sword to support his body and stood up.

"You're right, so let's end it today." He looked at Song Jingchen with red eyes. As he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, a dark red pill quietly entered his mouth.

In an instant, his eyes were filled with almost tangible blood qi, and the aura around him began to change.

Song Jingchen instinctively felt an unprecedented sense of danger. He frowned and tightened his grip on his sword.

Martial arts emphasized gradual progress, not overnight changes. There had never been any shortcuts. It was clearly abnormal for Shangguan Yu's internal energy to suddenly increase.