The End (2)

After expressing her concern for Shen Yijia, she guessed that she was tired. She quickly instructed the maidservant to bring her back to her room to wash up, and went to the kitchen.

Knowing that they would arrive today, the chefs in the residence were busy before dawn. However, seeing that Shen Yijia had lost so much weight, Madam Li still felt that it was not enough, so she wanted to personally cook a few of her favorite dishes.

Song Jinghuan, who had been ignored from beginning to end, scratched her head. "Did Mother forget about me?"

She left home at the end of December. It was now the second year of Qianyuan. She had changed a lot in the past year and two months.

She had become much taller, and her facial features had grown. She had been fighting all day, and the dirt and sand had weathered her fair skin, turning it into a light wheat color. She looked even more like a tomboy.