The Little Princess Who Left Home (2)

Empress Dowager Zhou tapped her forehead and smiled. "You're such a glutton. You know better than me what ingredients the imperial kitchen has."

She gestured for Nanny Gao to do it.

Little Jiajia suddenly said, "Let Zhu Dazhi do it."

"Who is Zhu Dazhi?" Empress Dowager Zhou asked.

Nanny Gao looked puzzled. She clearly didn't know either.

Yu Gong entered and happened to hear this. He said uncertainly, "I've heard of such a name, but that person is only an apprentice in the imperial kitchen. I wonder if it's the same person the princess is referring to."

The apprentices were in charge of washing and cutting vegetables. They were not qualified to be cooks.

Not everyone in the imperial kitchen had the chance to show their faces in front of their masters, let alone a mere apprentice.

Little Jiajia continued to nibble on the pastry. "I don't know. Don't ask me. I don't even know why I said this name."