Entering the Palace (3)

With this twist, no one dared to openly size up Little Jiajia anymore. This made Xiao Ruoshui heave a sigh of relief. "Jiajia, I won't pine after Brother Chen anymore."

Little Jiajia looked at her suspiciously.

Xiao Ruoshui was not a shy person. She said bluntly, "You chose me instead of Chang Le just now. I'll also treat you as my best friend. We don't steal things from each other. Don't worry, I won't snatch it from you again."

Was she touched by her?

Little Jiajia grinned. "My husband is mine to begin with. It's useless even if you want to snatch him away."

Xiao Ruoshui's eyebrow twitched.

"That Chang Le doesn't really want to be on good terms with me," Little Jiajia added.

"Why wouldn't she be? She took the initiative to talk to you and even invited you to sit with her. Isn't that just another show of goodwill?"

Little Jiajia blinked. "Have you ever heard of the saying that the enemy of an enemy is a friend?"