Someone from the Xuanyuan Kingdom

"Mother, Duchess, and Madam Shen." Xiao Qirui entered and greeted the three of them. When his gaze swept past Yuan Yuwan, who was sitting beside Madam Xiao, he paused.

He had only vaguely seen a figure just now and did not see it clearly. Now, he could see the girl's face clearly.

He suddenly thought of that sentence from a literature book. "A hibiscus is as pure as jade."

"Oh my, Big Brother is infatuated with Sister Yuwan," Xiao Ruoshui suddenly said, causing the maidservants in the room to laugh.

Yuan Yuwan had been afraid to look at the person just now. When she heard this, she subconsciously looked up and met the young man's gaze. She blushed and quickly turned her head away.

This person was so rash.

Not to mention Madam Li, even Madam Shen, who was originally in a low mood, smiled.