Chapter 7: Offering a Toast

It was not that Hannah was lying, but such a clean looking young girl in a place like this is really a rare sight.

Especially a girl as beautiful as Hannah, it was odd that she didn't stir up much attention in this circle.

After a few rounds of games, everyone had gradually become familiar. Hannah was terrible at the game, and Oliver Taylor had taken many drinks on her behalf. He was already feeling slightly dizzy, but was barely able to maintain his composure.

He noticed Hannah occasionally glancing towards Arnold Simmons, he couldn't help but tease, "You're barely talking to me the entire night, already have someone else in mind?"

Arnold Simmons sat in the middle, his eyes closed, half of his face shrouded in shadow. Everyone instinctively kept a distance from him, no one dared to annoy him.

Arnold Simmons, the Second Master of the Simmons family, had taken over all of the Simmons family's businesses ruthlessly and mercilessly after Jimmy Simmons disappeared, earning him the nickname the Living King of Hell.

Many people speculated behind closed doors that the disappearance of the Eldest Young Master Simmons, Jimmy, had something to do with him, but all of it was just speculation. Even if it was actually Arnold, no one would dare to say anything. They just hadn't expected that he would grace their gathering today.

He hadn't spoken much since he walked in the door.

None of the people waiting to network with him dared to provoke him.

Oliver Taylor leaned his head back and took a drink, kindly advised for once, "I can understand that a girl wants to climb up, but this Second Master Simmons is famously clean, celibate if you will, you better not overstep your bounds. The previous woman who tried to curry favor with the Second Master didn't end well."

Hannah smiled and said, "I guess we'll only know if it's right or wrong after trying."

Oliver Taylor was taken aback, before he could comprehend the meaning of Hannah's words, the young girl who had been sitting next to him had already stood up with a drink in hand and was walking towards Arnold Simmons.

The seat next to him suddenly felt empty, a faint floral scent mixed with a hint of coolness hit him, dissipating the heat and the alcohol in the room.

Arnold Simmons instinctively frowned. He couldn't believe that someone in this room would dare to sit next to him. The next second, a soft and sweet female voice came from his side.

"Mr. Simmons, care for a drink?"

Arnold Simmons opened his eyes, there was no trace of exhaustion in his eyes. Clearly mirrored in his wise eyes was a charming pale face, pure and innocent, yet revealing a touch of alluring charm.

It was her.

He frowned and straightened up.

The chatter around them suddenly dimmed, everyone was waiting for the show to begin.

Everyone knew that the one thing the Second Master Simmons hated the most was women throwing themselves at him. He never spared any feelings when dealing with them.

After all, he never followed the gentleman's rule of not hitting a woman.

Arnold Simmons frowned and turned his gaze away without a word.

Hannah extended the hand holding the drink, propped her head with the other hand, a few strands of her hair fell onto the man's white shirt. She sighed, "You really won't drink, it appears Mr. Simmons is missing out."

She swirled the drink in the glass and brought it to her lips.

The icy liquid damped her lips, the drink had not yet reached her throat when she heard the man's deep voice by her ear.

He said: "It would be better if you don't flatter yourself, little girl."

Laughter erupted as soon as he spoke, most of it intended to ridicule Hannah's overestimation of her abilities.

Who exactly was Arnold Simmons, the head of the Simmons family, who had the power to turn the tides with a flick of his hand, could it really be possible for him to stoop so low to toast for a minor starlet?