Chapter 145: Entanglement

Roy Yarn simply shook his head, uttering not a word.

The other person laughed at him, "Maybe she's forgotten about it already, and you're still here waiting like a fool."

Roy Yarn was angered, but he merely glared at him. He was of a quiet nature, and even when he was extremely angry or embarrassed, he couldn't utter anything hurtful.

At most, he would mutter, "You're speaking nonsense."

The man walked away laughing, leaving a comment behind: "I heard the newly succeeded Eldest Young Master from the River Family is coming today. Your two families have been close, don't forget to greet him later."

The rituals of these high-society circles are the most annoying. They didn't want to butter up to others only to be met with cold faces.

Being art students, they did have some backbone.

Roy Yarn simply replied and then looked up again.

Under the night sky, it was mostly people in formal attire attending the concert, but he couldn't see that elegant figure anywhere.