Chapter 464: The Earlier the Treatment, the Better the Recovery

Arnold Simmons looked up, his tone icy, "Which eye of yours saw me make things difficult for her? Your uncle and aunt's relationship is none of your concern, so you, as a younger family member, need not worry."

His little niece, he would naturally cherish.

George River?

Who does he think he is?

George River glared, already having made up his mind, "You purposely came close to Hannah, just to take revenge on me through her. Bullying a young girl, Arnold Simmons, do you even qualify as a man?!"

Silence ensued for a long while.

The pure water in the glass returned to tranquility.

Arnold Simmons faced those eyes filled with rage, and coldly spat out a sentence, "If you have paranoia, go treat it—the sooner, the better."

Take revenge on an idiot using his little niece?

George River sure is imaginative.