Chapter 481: Think Clearly

Unaware of the man's exhaustion, Tiffany Lynch sat down and immediately complained, "George, there are too many people outside, next time we should choose another place."

George River poured a glass of water for Tiffany Lynch. His tone was as gentle as ever, yet tinged with exhaustion. "It's my fault for not paying attention. It won't happen next time."

Tiffany Lynch didn't notice, she was just accustomed to the man's careful attention to her.

When they were halfway through the meal, Tiffany Lynch finally spoke.

This issue couldn't be beaten around the bush like previous matters. Tiffany Lynch had to approach it in a gentler way.

George River put down his glass of red wine and pondered for a moment before asking, "Is Hannah Winter getting a lot of votes?"

He hadn't paid attention to the talent show for a while, so he was not clear about the recent changes in rankings.