Chapter 495 Became a Joke

132,118,098 votes.

Each and every vote was earnestly cast by fans. There was no blind purchasing of show-designated merchandise, but simply votes cast purely due to a huge fanbase.

They all expressed the fans' great expectations for their beloved idol.

And yet these efforts were stolen by "Royals" with just a careless statement.

Hayes Edwards was the most furious. Being a victim of the show's manipulation, he directly made himself the spokesman, grabbing the microphone and yelling, "The program crew needs to give a reasonable explanation, to announce..."

His words were abruptly cut off by the program crew.

It's clear the program crew had decided to go down a dark path.

The scene could only be described as enraged. The crowed had already started to stir, everyone seemed to want to rush the stage. As the situation gradually became chaotic, Hannah forcefully grabbed the microphone from Jackie's hand.

"I know, you are angry because you cannot accept this on my behalf..."