Chapter 649: Living on a Star

She said, "Arnold, see, you do care about your appearance."

Arnold lowered his eyes, his expression as calm as an ancient well. But if one looked closely, they would see a hint of soft moonlight, like tender feelings shimmering beneath the surface.

He lifted his head to look at the full moon above the sea horizon, murmuring his agreement.

His voice was filled with laughter and indulgence for the woman in his arms.

He remembered their initial encounter, or perhaps it was not just the first time, but every time they met. She could always stir his feelings so blatantly, yet with such an expressionless face.

Interestingly, her behavior, coming from her, did not seem vulgar in the least, but was filled with an irresistible allure in every action.

He was utterly helpless.

The girl puffed her cheeks, pinched the man's face, pretended to sigh helplessly, and said, "Ah, men. Always saying one thing, but meaning another."