Chapter 2 : Christians

It was already dawn, and the legionnaires were now preparing to depart and march to Edessa. Julian was taking a stroll inside the city while looking at all the legionnaires that were busy preparing for their departure. A legionary could carry anywhere from 66 lbs. (30 kgs) to over 100 lbs. (45 kgs) of gear and weapons, with Roman armor and shields being particularly heavy. And he also saw many auxiliaries, non-citizens of the Roman Empire who fought alongside the Legions. Julian saw many auxiliary archers and gallic cavalry.

As Julian began to walk, he saw two praetorian guards beating up a person. The Praetorian Guards were a military unit established by Augustus. They consist of 9 cohorts, roughly the same as a Legion consisting of 10 cohorts. Their sole purpose is to protect the Emperor and a few high-ranking officials, but Julian knew deep down that they were nothing more than a gang of thugs ready to kill their emperor if their demands are not met. And not far away from that, he could see two children crying while watching that scene. Fear could be seen on their faces. Julian immediately began to approach them.

"Hey! What are you doing here? instead of preparing?" Ask Julian to the two praetorian. The two men were quite annoyed when someone stopped them, but after they saw his face, they immediately startled and immediately recognize him and started to address him properly. "Sir, we're here at the order of the emperor."

Julian frowned when he heard this. "And what is the order?" asked Julian again, but suddenly, after remembering something, he continued, "Ah!... Is he a Christian?" Julian was looking at the person who was getting beaten up, and he remained silent, not saying anything.

"Yes, Sir. We've been ordered by the emperor to identified the Christians within Antioch and if they refuse to perform acts to worship our gods then they will be banished or enslaved and their property will be confiscated." Explain one of the Praetorian guard.

Since the first persecution started by Nero, Christians began to be persecuted in every corner of the Empire, and some years ago, the current emperor, Valerian, also issued an edict to persecute all the Christian leaders. It also required Christian senators and equites to perform acts of worship to the Roman gods or lose their titles and property, and directed that they be executed if they continued to refuse. It also decreed that Roman matrons who would not apostatize should lose their property and be banished, and that civil servants and members of the Imperial household who would not worship the Roman gods should be reduced to slavery and sent to work on the Imperial estates.

"And is he refusing?" Ask Julian again. "Yes, Sir." "Said the Praetorian. Not only that, we just found out that he is actually a bishop within this city." After hearing him, Julian knew the only way out for this Christian was death, especially knowing that he was a bishop. "What about the kids?" asked Julian again while looking at the frightened kids.

"We're probably going to sell them as slaves," said one of them, and immediately the bishop began to plead with them, "Please... Please, sir! They are innocent souls! They have lost their parents because of the war, and I've been entrusted to raise them! "Please sir, do not make their lives miserable." As soon as the bishop said this, one of the praetorian immediately kicked him in his abdomen and said, "Then it was your mistake, old man!" Who told you to raise them in your Christian way? " He yelled.

Watching this, Julian knew their end would not be a good one and he felt the need to help them because of the past. Then suddenly, Emperor Valerian and a few praetorian guards that were accompanying him began to approach Julian and the others. Julian and the two praetorians saluted their Emperor right away. "Is he the Christian leader in this city?" asks the Emperor. "Yes, your majesty." Answered the praetorian guard

Then the bishop suddenly touched the emperor's feet and pleaded, "Please, your majesty, you can execute me in any way you wish, but please do not harm those children." "Please" said the bishop. Then the emperor started looking at the crying children and said, "Are they Christians too?"

The bishop did not know what to say and remained silent for a while, but one of the praetorian immediately answered the emperor's question. "Yes, your majesty, they wear a necklace with a cross beneath their tunic," said the praetorian, while taking the children's cross and throwing it immediately.

Then the Emperor pondered for a while and then asked the bishop that was kneeling in front of him, "What is your name?"

"Eugenius Vorenus, Your Majesty" Answered the bishop

"Well, Eugenius, if you and the children are willing to return to our gods, then I will spare you both." Proposed Valerian

The Bishop did not say anything, and instead he stopped kneeling and looked at the emperor in the eyes and said, "With all respect, Your Majesty, that I cannot do." "For I am the follower of the one true god. " So said Eugenius with a firm look in his eyes.

Hearing his answer, Valerian then looked around him and saw that all the attention was drawn here. All the legionnaires are looking at them with a look of curiosity. And many of the inhabitants of Antioch also looked at them from their windows.

"Well it was decided then and yeah, kill the children too. I'm not in the mood to be merciful today." Then Valerian immediately commands the praetorian to execute them on the spot. Hearing this, Julian then began to protest, "Your Majesty, with all respect, but they are just children of the Roman empire. Their parents are Roman citizens as well." Said Julian.

"What then, you want to take them as slaves?" Ask the Emperor. "If you permit it, I will and I will definitely guide them in our god's teaching." Reply Julian.

"Forget it Julian, as I previously stated, I am not in the mood to be merciful, and I believe they will be suitable sacrifices for Mars, and instead of wasting time here, you should return to your legion," Valerian said. and then he told the praetorian to immediately execute them.

Just as Eugenius and the children were about to be executed, Eugenius then said, "O Lord, please forgive them for their deeds as they do not know what they are doing." And please give the children eternal happiness with you in heaven. Amen. " Prayed Eugenius to his God and then looked at Julian and said, "You're a good person, young man, and thank you." After that, the praetorian immediately stabbed them in the chest, quickly killing them in the process.

Seeing this, Julian could not help but be saddened because he too used to be a Christian, but fearing the persecution, his family decided to return to the old ways and worship the Roman Gods. "Alright, that's it, and Julian, do not let this hold you back because the battle is coming soon." said Valerian.

Just as he said that, the weather suddenly began to darken as the clouds were now covering the sun and not long after that, the sounds of thunder could be heard loudly. Many people who saw this immediately thought that this was a bad omen, but why? Is it because the Emperor Valerian killed those innocent children just because they picked the wrong faith or because Valerian chose to persecute those Christians? Or is this just merely a coincidence? Julian also thinks about this, but just like the others, he too does not know the answer.

Valerian, knowing what his men were thinking, immediately yelled, "All of you!" Return to your work! Whether the weather is going to change or not, it does not matter! We will still march to Edessa! " Yelled Valerian angrily.

Hearing this, all the legionnaires began to continued their work. And Julian immediately saluted the emperor and return to his legion.

He then approached his camp prefect, Seneca, and asked, "How is the Legion preparation?"

Seeing him, Seneca saluted Julian first before answering, "It's almost done, Sir." The first cohort, the second, fourth, and sixth have done in preparation and are now waiting for the other cohorts. "

Based on the Marian Reforms, a Legion consisted of 10 cohorts, and each of them consisted of 480 men, with the first cohort as an exception, because it could be said the first cohort is the most elite, and this is also where the Roman's standard, the Eagle, and the Flag Bearer are located. One cohort consisted of 6 Centuria, with a centuria consisting of 10 Contubernium, a group of eight men. They are the smallest unit in the Legion, and usually a contubernium is accompanied by 2 slaves to help with their daily needs.

"And the rations? Have you given them the rations for today's march?" asked Julian again.

"I already did, Sir. I have given each of them a ration worth of one week for the march. "Reply Seneca

"Good, tell them to be faster. It seems the rain is coming soon," said Julian to his camp prefect.

"As you command, Sir" "And yeah, Sir, has something happened there? I heard the praetorians found some Christians." Ask Seneca.

"Yeah... they even killed children at the emperor's order," said Julian with disgust.

"Well, what do you expect? They're Praetorian. Even if the emperor did not order them, I think they will still do it anyway." Said Seneca, then he immediately saluted Julian and began relaying his order to the legionnaires of the Third Parthica.

Julian nodded in response. He knew that after all these years, everyone knew the Praetorians could even kill women and children, whether because of the emperor's order or to satisfy their own greed.

Author's Note :

Thank you for reading! I will present you with the map after the prologue is done!