Chapter 7: Be careful what you wish for

"Sophia, listen to me..."

Elia tried to get through to the girl with words, but the bloodlust in Sophia's eyes left no room for negotiation.

Waves of white light streamed across the room. The outline of Sophia's figure glowed silver, changing her appearance beyond recognition. Though she was still dressed in her strange maid's uniform, seeing her now, no one would have doubted her divinity.

It had been a long time since Elia had seen her in such a state. Or rather, Sophia had never yet demonstrated her true power in this life. And now, in this small living room, the Goddess of Light was ready to show the power of one who had single-handedly stopped an invasion of demons.

'This is bad. Very, very bad. I could try jumping back for a few minutes ... But I'm not sure I can do it in time before she attacks. The only thing I can definitely use against her is a time freeze. But I only have enough mana for a split second ... and then what? Think, Ellia. Think.'

Ellia saw her opponent's lips begin to move. She had to do something right now, there was no more time to wait.

"[Time Freeze]" she shouted hurriedly.

One word made the space freeze and everything around her go silent. Elia immediately rushed to execute the plan she'd devised.

The mad fury, surrounded by silver light, suddenly froze in amazement. She was completely confused.

Sophia, who was about to send a powerful stream of light, suddenly felt someone's fingers begin to tickle her quickly. She tried to keep a red-hot rage in her soul, but she gave up after a few seconds, unable to restrain herself. She lost in this strange fighting and laughed.

"Wait, stop...please...wait..."-Sophia was gasping for air. She was terribly afraid of being tickled.

But no one listened to her pleas. The pressure only increased.

"Please, Elia, let me go." - she pleaded.

"No way. Promise me you'll stop being so aggressive." - Elia increased the speed of the tickling, even more, making her almost faint.

"Yes...Yes. I promise," Sophia shouted with a red face.

When Elia let her go, Sophia finally had a chance to catch her breath.

She threw an angry look at the blonde girl, full of resentment, but all she got in return was a hard palm strike to her forehead.

"Ouch...for what?" - Tears began to well up in Sophia's eyes.

"For what? You dare ask me that. You almost tore our whole house apart."

Sophia rounded her eyes at what she heard and began to twist around, looking around. She quickly realized that she must have lost control of her emotions. She was so terribly ashamed of her stupidity that she wanted to hide from everyone for a few hundred years.

Sophia grabbed the hem of her skirt with her hands and began twitching it from side to side, with her head down like a small, delinquent child. She was afraid to look Elia in the eye.

'She seems to have gotten it... Thank you, Sophia, for being such a fool. I wouldn't have been able to handle you otherwise,' Elia thought relieved.

"Did you understand why I hit you?"

"Yes, I..."

"Did you realize what you wanted to do?"


"Will you stop trying to destroy the hunters' guild?"


Elia did a facepalm so hard it hurts.

'She didn't get anything! What an idiot!'

"I can't let them hurt my husband..." - Sophia grabbed Elia's hands and began to shake them with a pleading look.

"Please...please. Let me do this."

"You just can't. You're out of power right now... your rank should be E at most. And there's a whole guild..."

"I'm a goddess, my E rank is not equal to yours... My strength is enough for a tiny guild in a small town... let me go..."

Elia knew that simple methods would not change her mind. If Sophia was so turned on because of Arno, then he too must save the situation.

"Have you thought about Arno?"

"What?" Sophia asked puzzled.

"Yes, about him. If you destroy the hunting guild. What will he do?"

"Mmm...spend time with me?" - she said and then got another painful blow to the forehead.

"Are you going to deprive Arno of his dreams? You know how he's always wanted to work there. Are you really going to do that to him?"

It was a complete and unconditional victory for Elia. The magic words "Do something bad to Arno" immediately stripped the girl of all her stubbornness.

"You're right... I'm sorry."

"Go to the bedroom. And don't come out until morning."

Elia pointed to the door with an angry face. She wanted to get her out as quickly as possible, lest Sophia suddenly changes her mind.

The pink-haired goddess moved unquestioningly in the direction indicated.

She shifted her feet dullly, paying no attention to the road.

"What luck," Elia exhaled happily.

She turned back to the television and curled back under the covers to catch her breath. Her mana was completely drained, just from a second's use of the bloodline ability.

After a moment's rest, Elia went back to her bedroom. But on the way, she decided to check on Arno and the restless Sophia. She still didn't feel at ease.

In the beautifully moonlit room, the girl saw Sophia leaning over the young man's body. He was sleeping peacefully while she stroked his hair. Bright light poured from her hands as if it had penetrated the sleeping Arthur's body, causing his face to reflect an absolute serenity.

Not deciding to disturb this idyll, she closed the door quietly.

Elia, however, could not fall asleep. Her mind urged her to keep an eye on the dangerous goddess. She went to check every half hour, but Sophia was still in the bedroom.

Relaxing and noticing that her recent adversary was still up too, she tiptoed into the bedroom.

"You did good, Sophia. I was afraid you might still go there, but you held it together. I'm proud of you. Now go to bed..."

Sophia slowly turned around in response, a sad smile on her face.

"I'm sorry." - The girl whispered and her body began to disappear right in front of a stunned Elia. When her body shattered like a thousand little particles, only an ancient hand mirror was left lying on the bed.

"A mirror of deception? Was it an illusion? You dare take my artifact... from my... my treasure trove. I'll kill you when I catch you!"


At this time, on the other side of town, the small iron class guild was still unaware of the threat hanging over them.

A lone woman in a white uniform was walking down a dark corridor. As she passed one of the lamps, the five stripes on her epaulets caught the light.

Her steps were measured, her hands folded behind her back while holding a gray folder. She exuded an aura of confidence and a certain discipline, giving away the old habits of a soldier.

The woman walked up to the office, which was at the very end, and without asking permission, carelessly stepped inside.

The study was spacious. But it looked more like a library than a workspace. At either side of it were rows of bookcases overflowing with books.

By one of the shelves was an older man with gray hair. His age was emphasized by the deep wrinkles on his face and his hunched back. He leaned on a cane in his hand. At this very moment, he was concentrating on the books on the shelf.

The woman coughed into her hand to get his attention. But the gray-haired old man continued to pretend not to notice her presence. She was the one he saw in every nightmare.

"Mr. Mason." - unable to endure the girl called him directly.

The old man realized that today was going to be another hard conversation. So he put the book on the shelf and turned to her.

"Oh, it's you, Miss Lin. I didn't notice. You came in so quietly. if it's about the case, unfortunately, I'm on my way home, let's do it tomorrow..."

"I brought the report. The Arno Mann case. Hunter deserted his group in a dangerous situation. Please take a look."

"Oh, you guys did it that fast? I think the case was just started this afternoon."

"It's my job. And quick problem-solving is one part of professionalism." - Lin replied in a cold voice, pretending not to notice old Mason's innuendo.

The two of them were Iron Class Guild Chief Mason and 5th-ranking officer Elizabeth Lin. Despite the formal boss-subordinate status between them, Mr. Mason could not command her.

Elizabeth came from one of the noble families of the city, whose power was quite high. So every time he had to put up with her and even behave politely. How much he hated it, how much blood she drank him.

He had a miniature figurine of the goddess Azrea in his office, to which he prayed every time to be relieved of this daily headache.

And this was one of those times.

"Yes, but still don't you think it was too soon?, you're an excellent specialist and I have every confidence in your..."

"Speak plainly, Mr. Mason."

Mr. Mason shook his head and continued in an innocent tone:

"What do you mean, Miss Lin? I'm being blunt..." he smiled wryly.

"You're not taking a healthy interest in this case. And to Arno Mann in particular. Your reports on him come across my desk all the time."

"There's no ulterior motive. It's all about his total incompetence. Every group of hunters to whom he has been referred has rejected him immediately. This seriously calls into question the reason for having such a man in the guild. Another question is, perhaps you have an ulterior motive in protecting him?"

Mr. Mason didn't answer. He simply opened his desk drawer and took out a handkerchief. Then he took off his glasses and began wiping them. He did it very slowly and carefully.

Elizabeth knew that he had decided to just ignore her. Then she pulled out a folder and threw it on the table.

"Here are the results of today's investigation. The disgraceful escape of Hunter G-ranked Arno Mann is confirmed. I demand his immediate dismissal with a total ban on reinstatement to the guild. Furthermore, with a complete ban from all guilds."

"Don't you think that's too much?" - Mason chuckled merrily.

"It's a deserved punishment for someone like him."

"Deserved?" - He was already laughing out loud.

" ...I won't sign it, Miss Lin."

"Your signature is not required. Mr. Kellogg's signature is already here." - Elizabeth retorted indifferently.

The old man's jovial mood vanished at once. Kellogg was vice president of the guild associations of this city, and his signature mattered more. But bypassing his superior and going directly to the top was considered the highest insult in the guild. And now Mason got that slap in the face.

"You and I both know that most of what's written in that file is utter nonsense. Stupid rumor, exaggeration, and the foolish pride of talentless hunters. You know that this man continues to work hard in the guild, even despite everyone's negative attitude. And he continues to do so because hunting and the guild hold an important place in his life. Would you really do that to him? Doesn't your conscience bother you?" - As if copying the girl in front of him, he said in a cold tone.

The temperature in the room had reached a critically low point. A storm of hidden hatred was hiding behind their feigned calm.

"Conscience? I repeat-it is my job. Anyway, you got the report. I only provided it for your review. It is already a done deal." - Elizabeth turned around and wanted to head for the exit.

"What's the use of taking revenge on one brother with the help of another? What is it like to beat an innocent just to soothe your soul? This is all because Eric Mann dumped you, isn't it?" - Mason said in her wake.

The woman froze at the exit for a second but immediately continued on her way.

The old man rubbed his eyes helplessly. There was nothing he could do to help the weak young man who showed up at the guild almost every day with burning eyes. Despite everyone's contempt, the old man had great sympathy for Arno. He liked his indestructible spirit and tenacity.

Mason looked at the edge of the table. There stood the figure of a magnificent woman with a long spear in her hands. Behind her, two snow-white wings were developing. She was the epitome of the word Goddess.

"O holy goddess of Azrea, please, if you can hear me, help this unfortunate young man..."

Suddenly a light illuminated the room. Mason turned to the window to see its source. Squinting and taking a long stare, all he could say in surprise was:

"A maid?"

Then the light, like a flood, came down on everything around it.


Arthur woke up early in the morning and struggled to get up. He still felt very sluggish. Like a zombie, he made his way to the living room, where he heard the noise of a working television.

"...Late that night, the Silver Guardian Hunters Guild was attacked by an unknown assailant. Police officers are actively working the scene. According to reports, a known terrorist group, Storm of Metal, may have been involved in the attack..."

Suddenly Sofia popped out of nowhere in front of him and quickly turned off the TV. Then coming close to Arthur, so that their noses almost collided, she said with a happy smile:

"Good morning, my love. Are you hungry?"