Chapter 10. Breaking all plans

Arthur walked through the guild building with a surprised look. With every step he took, he heard the crunch of broken glass. Shards scattered all over the place kept getting stuck in his shoes as if they were deliberately obstructing his movement.

He couldn't believe his eyes. The building, which two days ago he had compared to a beautiful crystal ball, now lay almost entirely in ruins. Only the inside of the walls remained intact, making the overall picture even more ridiculous.

'How did that even come out? What could have destroyed an entire guild? I was only here two days ago.'

Confusedly looking around, Arthur watched as white-uniformed employees with tired-looking facial expressions bustled about everywhere. They had to clean up, clearing away the rubble. If there were at least E-ranked people among them, possessing a level 2 mana core, then all the work could be done with earth or wind magic. But there was only one person in this small guild with that level, so everyone else did the work by hand.

Small groups of hunters here and there gathered together and shared information, discussing the current situation.

The busiest place in the guild, however, was the front desk, where a small crowd of excited hunters had already gathered. Shouting, cursing, and fighting could be heard from there.

When he approached this motley crowd, he listened attentively to their conversations, hoping to get at least some information.

"Our group was booked for yesterday. So today we have to go..."

"I don't care, our group has already arrived today. All the equipment is in place, we're not leaving empty-handed."

"It's not my fault the guild didn't work yesterday. We're all going one at a time. So get out of my way, you stupid brat."

"And if I don't, what are you gonna do to me? You're nothing but a pathetic F- rank hunter... It would only take me a few minutes to turn you into a bloody mess..."

Angry voices came from all directions. Arthur's ears hurt from the volume of their screams.

Slowly the heated arguments began to move to the next stage. The degree of aggression was increasing with every second. Now groups of hunters were gripping their weapons, intent on solving the problem by force.

"Attention! Everyone shut up immediately." - A sudden voice announced. It was amplified by magic, so even the most distantly standing hunters could clearly hear what was being said

A woman in a strict white uniform climbed onto the reception desk without a shadow of shyness. Her expression was impassive as she looked at the crowd standing before her. In her eyes, they were nothing more than a bunch of weak ants.

The shouting subsided instantly. Seeing Miss Lin appear before them, no one was brave enough to challenge her by continuing their arguments.

Her strength was well known in the guild. Miss Lin was a ranked E+, which put her at the top of the list of all its members. She could have moved to a higher-ranked guild a long time ago, but for some reason, she still remained in this place.

"Good. Now listen carefully. As you all know, we have been under a surprise attack. Resuming our work will take time. While Mr. Mason is in the hospital, I will take over the management of the guild. And I guarantee we'll do everything we can to make sure groups can use the portal as quickly as possible. The schedule for passage to the hunting area will be re-created. Our officers will now take your groups on a first-come, first-served basis."

Miss Lin clearly and succinctly relayed the information. Despite the quiet murmurs of complaints and hidden curses, the entire aggressive crowd turned into a herd of obedient sheep in an instant. A line quickly lined up around the front desk.

'Wow... I wonder who was so bold as to attack the hunters' guild? After all, the whole association will be after them now...Well, that's not my problem... I came here to sign up for the hunt anyway. I might even be lucky that they were attacked. The schedule will be rearranged and I'll get into the hunting area faster.' - Arthur was actively pondering the information he had received.

He grinned at his sudden good fortune and walked leisurely toward the line of hunters that had already formed.

But after a couple of minutes, Arthur felt someone put a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw the very woman with the five stripes on her shoulder straps there.

'It's Miss Lin, isn't it? What does she want from me?' - Arthur frowned. He remembered that he had already seen her when he first came to the guild. And then she had been very negative toward him.

"Arno Mann, let's go to my office." - Elizabeth Lin said, and without waiting for an answer she went straight ahead.

"What the hell this time." - quietly muttered a disgruntled boy.

The office of the head of the guild, which only a day ago had been filled with cupboards of books, was now relatively empty. As soon as Mr. Mason had been taken away to the hospital, and she had been urgently appointed interim head, Elizabeth immediately threw all the books in the trash.

"Sit down." - She said in a commanding tone.

Arthur did not resent this attitude and sat in silence, tensely awaiting further developments.

Elizabeth cleared her throat and threw the green folder on the table in front of Arthur.

"As I told you, the guild was going to investigate a claim by a group of hunters that you abandoned them during a dangerous situation. Here's all the evidence we've gathered."

He only opened the first page but didn't read any further. Arthur raised his head and just stared at it, waiting for it to continue.

"All the evidence has been forwarded to the hunters' association. Your crime has been confirmed. By the decision of the association, you are expelled from the guild and you have been issued a complete ban on registering with any guilds in the Kingdom of Lafrain." - With a cold tone, like a judge, Elizabeth delivered her verdict.

'Really? A total ban? I need to kill beasts to unlock the capabilities of the system. What am I supposed to do now?' - Arthur rubbed his temples suppressed.

Miss Lin watched his reaction intently. Outwardly she still kept a detached expression on her face, but inwardly she was enjoying what was happening. His behavior was exactly what she had hoped it would be.

'The guild is everything to this pathetic loser. He wanted so much to be like his older asshole brother that he was willing to endure any kind of bullying just to stay a hunter... Now it's time to move on to the last step. Time to get the fish on the hook.' - she grinned mentally.

"But I asked the association to reconsider its decision. Thanks to my cooperation, they agreed to commute your sentence. They have sent you a new contract. Take a look at it."

Elizabeth handed him the papers. He looked at her incredulously but took it anyway.

"This new contract has some small restrictions..." - Ms. Lin began to explain.

'And will turn you into a slave. I will make you my servant, and wipe the floor with you every day... Don't blame me. Say thank you to your brother.'

Arthur leafed through the contract, barely restraining the urge to smash her face in.

'Is this some kind of joke? Is that a slave brand? '

"You may also notice that all these restrictions are temporary. After the probationary period, when you have shown your best, the contract will be changed." - She added.

'Do you actually take me for a retard? Who would even fall for that?'

"Miss Lin, there is a clause here that if you notice irregularities on my part, the probationary period may be extended. Couldn't you revise that clause?" - Arthur asked in a pleading voice.

"No. That's the clause the association said was mandatory. It cannot be removed."

Arthur lowered his head sullenly. He quickly tried to think of something to do. Losing the ability to hunt meant he wouldn't be able to level up his system. With his current body and stats, it was like getting the title of "eternal weakling."

At the same moment, Elizabeth was already anticipating his success.

'This loser has just been adrift all his life. So hurry up and sign it. You and I both know very well that's what you'll do, you stupid idiot.'

The guy looked up at the ceiling and sighed bitterly.

"No, thank you."

"What?" - she rounded her eyes in surprise.

"I said I'm not signing that contract. And you're not likely to change it. So I'll go."

He got up and walked toward the exit without looking at the stunned woman at the table.

"Stop." - she shouted angrily. Her emotionless mask immediately shattered.

"Where are you going? Turn back."

"Miss Lin, you should get some sleep. Your work seems to be getting on your nerves. You've got circles under your eyes." - Arthur said and kept walking.

"What are you doing? Where are you going? No guild will take you in... You're as pathetic as Eric, all you both know how to do is run away."

Arthur turned to her. A sly smirk appeared on his face.

"Miss Lin, do you think that if both brothers ran away from you, maybe they're not the problem? Maybe you are the problem. Goodbye."

When he left, Elizabeth took a long time to come to her senses. She was out of her mind with rage and indignation.

Thinking about it, she took out her phone and dialed a number. Before she could say anything, the man on the other side himself began to speak first.

"Miss Lin, are you calling because you reconsidered the suspension of our group? Miss Lin, it was my fault for hitting that guy in the guildhall. My group had nothing to do with it..." - the voice rushed in quickly.

"Shut up, Craster, and listen. I can cancel the order ... But I need you to do one thing."

"Mmm... what?"

"I need to punish someone. You know this man well. I think you'll like it, too."


"What a weather, why is it so cold here?" - Arthur shuddered and wrapped himself tightly in the black coat he was wearing.

It was not for nothing that the place he had arrived in was called Doomed Island. Its rocky shores were home to a notoriously brutal prison for Arborian criminals.

The island was right in the middle of the wide river inside the city. Surrounded by nothing but murky water on all sides, it was completely blown about by the cold winds. The noise of the surf, the lack of any vegetation on the island, and the currently overcast weather gave the frightening rumors about this prison extra credibility points.

"Well, is he going to be here soon?" - He cursed impatiently, glancing at his watch every minute.

A little earlier, Arthur had already made his way around every guild in the city, even those that were above his rank and ability to hunt. Just in case. And really got the same rejection everywhere.

'Stupid bitch. I'll remember that.' - He cursed her.

Now he had to rethink all his plans. Although he had one option worked out beforehand in his head, he had to go to extreme measures to execute it.

"I am here."

Behind him, Arthur heard a squeaky sound. It was not until he turned around that he realized that it belonged to a man.

Opposite him stood a short, fat man in his forties. A black bag was slung over his shoulder, and his mouth was constantly chewing something.

'How disgusting it looks,' thought Arthur.

"Did you bring it?"

"Yes, as agreed."

The fat man rummaged in his bag and took out a small glass bottle with a red liquid inside. Arthur took it in his hands, shook it a little, and asked:

"Are you sure this is it?"

"Yeah, sure, no worries. I couldn't be wrong."


Arthur opened his wallet and pulled out the paper credits. The fat man wiped his hands, dirty with crumbs on his clothes, and hastily put them in his pocket.

"By the way, do you know what we call this thing amongst ourselves? The Flame of Love!" - He grunted cheerfully.

"Because it can melt even the coldest hearts. Literally!"

The pig-like laughter was unbearable to Arthur and he simply nodded back.

"What do you need it for? It is, after all, an extremely strong poison. We only use it for the execution of the most heinous criminals. It makes them squeal so amusingly all the time... What do you want it for?" - The fat man grabbed Arthur's hand and continued to pry.

"Let me guess. For your wife? I can see it in your eyes... don't hide it. You can tell me, I won't tell anyone anyway... You and I are alike ... I also gave my first wife a taste of it..."

The fat man laughed in a nasty voice.

"But you just be careful with it, or even a single drop on the body will be a terrible burn."

Arthur rolled his eyes in response to this and, without hesitation, left at once.

Of course, he wasn't going to poison his wife with it (as if that was something a goddess could die from), or even the woman who had badly spoiled his future development

"The Flame of Love" was a poison that, when ingested, raised the temperature to such an extent that one literally began to burn from within. Even steel walls could be melted by its touch at that moment.

And the person he was going to use it on was Arthur himself!

'I didn't want to do it yet. I'm too weak yet. If I had the chance I would come here when I was stronger...But because of my eternal luck, I have no other choice.' - he sighed.

His eyes stared at the oddly shaped tree.

'Well...time to get your first artifact as a 'real' transmigrator to the novel... Good luck to you, Arthur.'