Chapter 18. What's the scariest superpower?

Arthur stopped breathing for a while. He wasn't on drugs like he hadn't accidentally eaten a hallucinogenic mushroom in No Man's Land. The girl with her face against his chest was real.

"I'm not crazy, am I? I certainly remember falling asleep with and when did she end up here? " - reasoned a confused Arthur, the moment his hand reached out on its own to the sleeping girl's face. He poked her cheek with his finger to make sure she was real.

The girl responded to this action by frowning sweetly and scratching her cheek. She didn't look her usual self now. There was not that seriousness and unapproachable image. which she always displayed. Now he could look at her other rather cute side.

'I wish she'd always been like this... What the fuck am I thinking about? What the hell should I do?'

Suddenly Arthur bit his tongue in fear. His chest clenched and he couldn't move.

Two eyes opened wide and stared directly at the frightened boy.

Arthur was willing to swear that even the monsters in No Man's Land seemed like nothing more than cute animals to him at that moment. Compared to the look that the awakened Elia gave him.

"Hello, little brother. Are you awake?" - the girl asked, in a tone not at all typical of her. There was an unconcealed playfulness in her voice as if she were teasing the boy.

"Mmm... Yes,"- he squeezed out with difficulty.

'There's nothing scary here, Arthur... she just crawled in at night to keep you warm, that's all. It's a common situation... That's bullshit. There's nothing normal here, especially when Arno left a note like that.'

"Did you have a bad dream, Arno? Your complexion is pale..."

"Yes, I had a nightmare... and by the way, can I ask you something..."

"Ask me anything you want." - Elia interrupted him and smiled innocently. That smile gave the boy a lump in his throat.

"Wha ... What are you doing in my bed? I mean, our bed with Sophia? I mean, where is Sophia?"

"Sophia?" - She paused and tilted her head as if trying hard to remember.

'She's not being her usual self right now at all.'

"She is sleeping in my room. She is okay. We just swapped."


"Well, yes, the beds..." - Elia looked at him like he was an idiot as if to ask, "What kind of stupid question is that? "

"And she agreed to it so easily?"

His sister only laughed at these words. So hard that she had to wipe away her tears at the end.

"Yeah... of course, she said yes. We always were doing that... Why did she have to say no this time?"


"Yeah. Once a week. We swap places... a bed next to my dear little brother. You know, I'm more worried about how you woke up? Forget it... I'll just talk to Sophia..."

Arthur didn't know what to say. He was getting physically sick. His stomach twisted.

'That's why I've been sleeping so soundly lately.'

"You change on purpose... Tell me honestly, do you just come here to sleep? Don't you?"

Not a word escaped her tongue. But the answer was more than obvious. She shook her head playfully and smiled again.

'I feel bad... it's disgusting.'

"Why? Why do this in secret without my knowledge? You could have come to me and we could have discussed it together," Arthur's fear of the unknown situation changed to anger. His voice was harsh and rough.

"Because... Because you won't let... you always don't," - Elia said, her words returning to her usual manner of speaking.

"You never let me? Wait, have we had this conversation before?"


That was all the boy could say. Elia ran her finger gently over his open mouth and smiled predatorily as if she'd trapped her prey. Her plump lips powerfully covered the stunned Arthur's lips, and her hot tongue traced the outline of his lower lip.

Elia taunted him as best she could. But it only lasted a few moments before the girl, as if to vent her frustration, bit his lip painfully and slowly pulled her face back.

"What... What was that?" - Arthur tried to ask, but immediately froze when he saw the blue light in his sister's eyes.

'Fuck... she's going to use the Divine bloodline.'

He grabbed her hand tightly and said quickly:

"In Sargon's name: Freeze!"

The golden energy from his body surged toward its target but quickly dried up without achieving anything.

'Shit, I forgot she's higher ranked, it doesn't work on her.'

"What did you say, Arno? А... never mind. See you tomorrow, little brother. [Turn of time]."

The whole room disappeared into a blinding blue glow.

'God, what a good dream I had.' thought Arthur as he walked out of the bedroom into the living room.

It was morning and he had a lot of things planned for today. He had to get ready for his trip.

But suddenly he heard painful moans coming from his sister's bedroom. He hesitated for a while but decided to check if everything was all right.

"Hey, Elia. Are you not feeling well?" - Arthur asked, entering her room.

The girl with an unhealthy complexion was lying on the bed, breathing heavily and frequently.

"No, don't worry. I just spent all my energy yesterday... I mean, I was tired at work."

"Are you sure you don't need anything? Maybe some medicine?"

"Arno, you idiot, why do I have to tell you twice that I'm fine. Get out of here."

"Okay..." - Arthur said perplexedly and shook his head.

'What is it with her? Okay, it's none of my business.'


Arthur's foot stepped in a puddle, raising droplets of muddy water into the air. Now even his black jacket showed stains of fresh mud.

'This place is disgusting. Why did Arno decide to make a workshop for himself in the slums in the first place? Couldn't he find a better place?'

His feet set foot on the grounds of the Tearful Slums again. A gray, dirty, and very unfriendly place.

The Arboreans who lived there could barely make ends meet. Relying heavily on financial aid from the government. Even so, they maintained their open hostility towards both pure Eridanians and even half-breeds like Arno.

There was one positive trait, however, that impressed Arthur very much, in the inhabitants of these slums. They might have hated the damned outsiders with all their souls, but they kept close and close-knit in their small group. There was rarely any conflict between the Arboreans themselves. But...

"These mana batteries are my last, I only have an hour of air left... I can't live without them."

"Then you've got an hour to run home, you miserable freak."

"Run, piggy."

"Run, run. Oink, oink, oink."

Arthur turned the corner of the house and saw three children, about 10 or 13 years old, surround a chubby little boy leaning against the wall.

"Give it back, please," - the boy turned to tears. But that only made the bullies more agitated. Smirks and sneers poured back.

"ahahaha... and if I don't give it to you, what are you going to do? Are you going to run and tell your mommy?" - asked the biggest of the three, apparently their leader.

Then he kicked the poor boy in the belly with his boot and leaning in close with a voice full of anger said:

"If you try to tell her...'re dead. You'll say you lost it. Now run along, little piggy."

'Wow, what a surprise. The bullies in this world are even more dangerous than in mine. They took his mana batteries... he could suffocate without them.'

"Are you still here? Didn't you hear what I said?" - The bully raised his leg high and prepared to strike him again.

But suddenly he froze halfway through when he felt someone's hand on his shoulder.

"In Sargon's name: Exploding eardrums."

"Aaahhhh..." - He wailed, falling to his knees over the sharp pain that pierced his head. There was even a thin trickle of blood coming out of his ears.

'The power is cool, of course... But I need three mana cores to fill my etheric heart... and I've already spent half my golden energy on such a simple action. Why did I have to show off like that?' Arthur thought sadly.

The other two bullies stared at the man who had appeared out of nowhere, frightened as sheep at the slaughterhouse.

"What are you looking at? Get out of here. Or do you want to split your friend's suffering?"

"No, uh..."

"No, we'll go. Forgive us."

One of them, pulling his slower friend with him, ran off in the opposite direction from Arthur.

"Well, that's chic. What a theatrical entrance that was." - Arthur said proudly, but then he caught the expression on the chubby boy's face as he lay on the ground and realized he had said it out loud.

"Who are you?" - The boy mumbled.

"An angel sent from heaven."

"Sent by the goddess of Azrea herself?" - The naive question knocked the spirit out of Arthur.

'Yeah, she sent me to do the dishes yesterday.'

"I was joking. Get up."

The boy grabbed the hand given to him by the man in the black jacket and got to his feet. But when he heard a faint cry nearby, he turned to the bully holding his ears.

"What to do with him?"

"I do not know. It's up to you... ...but if you're asking my advice..." - Arthur stepped away for a moment and returned with a long, thick stick in his hand.

"Here's my answer... punish him."

"Hmm? But my mother says you shouldn't hit people. Violence only begets violence."

"Wow... that sounds smart. But wrong. Violence is the best solution to all problems."

Arthur held out the stick to him, but noticing the same confused look on the little boy's face, decided to stop playing the devil's tempter.

"All right then, what's your option?"

"Let him go?" - awkwardly answered the boy, being both grateful and afraid of this scary stranger at the same time.

"What can I do? It's your life. Let him go."

After Arthur gave the crying bully another good kick in the ass, he was finally able to escape.

The chubby boy and the stranger chatted with terrible vigor for a few more minutes. And when Arthur was convinced that he lived nearby and could get home quickly, they parted ways.

"Stephanie, are you here? I was told you were in the office."

Arthur climbed the stairs to the second floor and finally reached the final destination of his route. Inside, the smell of lavender was delicious, and pleasantly relaxing music was playing.

"Arno? What's up? Are you finally paying your rent?" - A woman came out of the next room. She was holding a heavy box in her hands, and a strand of her bright red hair, which she blew upwards, kept falling on her face, blocking her view.

"... No, I'm here on other business. I want to buy something."

"Buy? You? Ridiculous. Do you have any money?" - She put the box on the table and looked incredulously at the thin and weak guy standing in front of her.

"I need the Drink of Living Death."

"Is this some kind of joke? I don't have that thing and never have." - Stephanie's voice turned icy, and the way she looked at the boy... Arthur didn't need to activate [Path of Fear] to notice the bloodlust emanating from her.

"Look, you're the elder of the Tearful Slums. I'm sure you have a couple of bottles..."

"I'll tell you one more time, Arno. No laws are broken in the Tearful Slums, honest and decent people live here..."

"Stop," - Arthur grabbed her by the arm, but immediately let go, seeing the angry expression on her face.

"I'm sorry, I accidentally... do I look like I'm connected to the Temple? Or do you think I could work for the paladins?"

"I said I don't have it. Go away."

The drink of Living Death that Arthur was so eager to get his hands on was the most important part of the plan in the upcoming demon hunt. It was one of the few means by which it could be weakened.

The problem was that this potion was illegal. It was mostly used by smugglers taking the strange route across the Abyss to Arborea. But the Temple declared all smugglers criminals and actively pursued them.

Therefore, even for the mere possession of a drink of Living Death, you could be considered a smuggler and sentenced to death.

"Stefania, I'm offering very good money... I will buy it for triple the price..."

Stephanie silently pointed her finger at the door. But at that very second, there was a sound of approaching footsteps behind the door.

"Mother, you have no idea what happened to me today," the child's joyful and exciting voice loosened the threads of anger that bound Stefania.

"Oh, big brother..." - said the same chubby boy in surprise as he entered the room and saw the familiar man.

'Big brother?'

"Oh, it's you, little friend."

"Do you two know each other?" - Stephanie asked with a frown.

"Yes, mother, I was just about to tell you about him. He is so cool. You should have seen how he made Vince cry with one word."

"Made Vince cry? John's son?" - Stephanie turned to Arthur, but now her eyes radiated utter contempt.

"Did you beat up the neighbor's boy?"

"No" he wanted to answer, but then he remembered that he really did.

'Shit. It looked like I was bullying a 13-year-old kid. And I thought it was so cool at the time.'

"No, Mom, big brother protected me."

The chubby boy jumped into his mother's arms and then began to explain what had happened. Stephanie's state of mind changed from wariness, incredulity, and in the end to curiosity as he told her.

'If my son is not lying, which is unlikely, then this is very interesting. I've heard that Arno is only a weak hunter, mostly only responsible for technical equipment.'

"I'll beat the shit out of Vince first and then his father for raising his asshole son that way."

It seemed like steam was coming out of Stephanie's nose. And if a couple of horns were added to her, she would look definitely the same as an angry demon.

"Big Brother, can you teach this trick," - the boy, realizing that the man who had helped him was well known to his mother, finally relaxed and put all caution aside.

"I'm sorry, I can't. It's not a trick. It's my bloodline ability."

"Your ability? Didn't you complain to me that, unlike Eric, you have no talent?" - Stephanie's eyes rounded.

'You're always setting me up, Arno. You died quietly, but I'm still cleaning up the shit you left behind.'

"Mmm...didn't wake up long ago."

"I hadn't heard that was possible... then..."

But, to Arthur's luck, the interrogation was interrupted by a tiny head poking out from behind the door.

Red hair like his mother's, big eyes, and a doll's face. Behind the door, shy and not daring to fully enter, stood a girl of about five.

"Dina, my little fox, how did you get here?"

"I brought her here, Mama. She was bored at home. I also wanted to tell you both about my big brother."

Stephanie, seeing Arthur's incomprehensible expression, exhaled and said:

"It's not like I introduced you. This lover of eating anything he finds on the floor is named Kyle..."

"Mom... don't say that. It was just one time."

But she ignored him.

"And this beautiful little girl, the pride of her mother, as opposed to one naughty child, is my favorite daughter Dina."

This introduction made Kyle stare sadly at the floor.

'Not an easy life for you, I see,' Arthur thought and patted him on the shoulder.

"I'm Arno Mann. A good friend of your mom... Ouch. It hurts, you dumb spider."

From the inside pocket of his jacket, Arthur took out an iron four-legged robot and threw it to the floor.

"And this ungrateful creature's name is Selina... Are you happy now? I introduced you too."

The mechanical spider moved toward the two children. Little Dina immediately hid behind her big brother's back.

"Stop, Selina."

Arthur realized his mistake and tried to grab the spider. He remembered with his skin all the pain this sadistic robot was so fond of delivering.

But Kyle was faster. He put Selina in his palm and laughed merrily.

"It tickled a a hand massage."

'What?' - Arthur thought.

The spider climbed higher and higher on his arm, and Kyle's laughter grew louder and louder.

"It is like a massage. Dina, you should try it, too."

Selina blew mana on the tip of her paws and gently guided it onto the children's skin. It caused a very pleasant sensation.

Dina, under pressure from her brother, hesitatingly decided to take the spider. But within two minutes she was already behaving with the spider as if it were her favorite toy.

'Really, Selina? So you're only attacking me? Is it because of my low charisma?'

"Okay, Arno...did you ask me about the Living Death drinks?" - Stephanie asked with a bright smile on her face, watching her kids play with the spider.

"Have you changed your mind?"

"Well... you're renting a workshop in the slums. I don't know what you do there and I'm not interested... but I don't think it's anything legal. I don't suppose you'd run to the paladins yourself... especially since you helped my son."

"You won't regret it. I swear I won't tell anyone."

Stefania nodded. And she went into the next room. After a few minutes of waiting, she returned, but in her hand, she held a strange-shaped bottle.

"I hope you know what you're said you'd buy it at triple the price, right?"

Arthur looked up, took in more air in his lungs, and answered:

"I forgot to tell you... I don't have any money!"

"YOU... I'm going to kill you..."