Episode 15: Chocolates 4

"At last, you're here."

"But I thought you left... already."

"Just shut up and let's go." She held my hand. I followed her as she ran.

"So, where are we headed?" Rita asked. I smiled and went ahead, leading her.

"I know a place!"

We ran through the pavement on the side of the highway. The redolent smell from the flowers of blooming trees swiftly took those who passed. It was a time to be free, full of choices that lead to a future, desired or unwanted.

At long last, we reached the destination I have in mind. The fallen leaves scattered through the wooden table and chairs. It was quiet, as the spot was only active in the day. Just how strong the sun and frail the moon is, the park's attendees alike.

I let go of her hand and sat on the grass. I removed the bag from my back and rested it on the ground. With my preparations complete, I looked at her.

"Here, take a seat." I patted next to me. "The night sky should be beautiful right now."

Rita looked up instinctively. I did the same and stared past her above. Stars shone although the majority were hidden by the low clouds. But the main show of them all, the moon, shines the brightest.

I laid down on the grass not caring about the dirt. Rita noticed this and even with hesitation, did the same thing. Next, she held my hand tight. We both appreciated the stellar night sky though not yet so perfect.

"Heh, you have such a good plan hidden in your back, huh." Rita looked at me. I continued to stare at the dark space filled with bright stars.

"This is the only place I could remember that touched me nicely," I replied. "Before that, I really thought you'd left me there!" I stared at her in which she did so too.

"Well I was expecting something from you, you know." she averted her gaze.

"How about the 'parents will get mad at me' thing?" I did the same.

"I texted them. Though I'm not sure if they allowed me or not."

"Jeez, such a rascal."

"Enough about me, how's practice?"

I stared at the sky, thinking of an answer. Although it's useless, I came up with whatever comes out of my mouth. "Restless…" I gave a pause. "Because of you!"

"What, me?!" she nudged me with her elbow. "Oh come on now."

"Can't blame me, you started it."

"Okay, fine, I'm sorry for doing that."

And this concludes our valentines. At least for the good parts. The next thing that happened were ants biting our neck and back. Up until now, it hurts, ack. But well, we went home afterwards with a unique and special smile imprinted on our minds.

I was walking home, tired from all the running, practice, and stress. In addition, I have ant bites on my legs and neck. What a Valentine's day, am I right? And so in this quiet street, I was walking down scratching around my body. It was then, when I felt another thing.

"Urgh!" I tried to feel it using my hand. On my shoulder, something tingled. When I waved my hand through it, there, I saw another ant. It wasn't that long when another bite started, this time, on my other side of shoulder. I dropped my bag and waved my shirt.

"What the…"

With this many ants, I'm sure that there's a source. I continued to wave my shirt whilst wearing it. I stopped afterwards and decided to look at my bag. And there, I realized everything. I took the plastic out; inside it the chocolate crinkles. I'm sure that there's an awkward smile on my face at that time. I immediately took it out in a nearby trash can and shaked my hands.

"That damn crinkles." I took the bag and continued walking home.