Surrounded by Metal-Clawed Vultures

In various locations of the Beastnet,

'What? The flaming lions also joined the search?'

'Captain, what will happen to the three bestial races if the flaming lions find the Heir on their own? Will the oath still stand?'

'The moment they find the Heir, we can say goodbye to our lives. So, stop slacking and continue searching. We have to find the Heir before them.'

The beast heroes from the three bestial races felt pressured as they fastened their search.

If the flaming lions found the Heir, the Flaming Lion King would be able to enter the territories of the other bestial rulers easily and wipe their entire race.

Of course, they would be pressured because it has now become a matter of survival.

'Damn wild human…in which hole is he hiding?'

Spider Queen and the other two bestial rulers were becoming increasingly anxious with each second.


In Ogre's territory,