She deserves to die.

The celebration was long over, but people were still standing there for the show. There was a woman still sitting on the floor, looking all frail and weak at the situation. Her demeanor seemed suppressed under the judging eyes of the people who were circling around her.

The raven black hair that had always beautified her jade fair complexion, was instead making her look soullessly pale, today.

Her body was trembling but it was hard to tell if that tremble was from fear, disappointment, or from the cold air which the banquet was shrouded in. She could feel people's mocking gazes on herself, but at this point of time, it no longer mattered.

Her eyes were all clouded with tears of regret. And from those tearful pairs, the ugly faces of society were simply not becoming visible to her.

Although there were tears filled in her eyes, she didn't allow even a drop of them to roll down the edges of her eyes.

"Why did you do this to me? If you truly wanted me to die, why did you save me five years ago? Why?" Yun Meiyi, known to be the most sinful lady in the high society asked, raising her eyes to look at the woman, who was shining all in glitters tonight.

Be it her dress, her inner glow or the man standing beside her, Yun Jiaqi was the woman of whom everyone was feeling envious tonight.

With the mark of Yun Meiyi's end, from today it was the start of her glorious time. Starting with the man, Su Yang, who was promised to be wedded to the real, legitimate eldest daughter of the Yun family, all the family fortunes, as well as people's good words and appreciation, would be signed to the name of her from this day onwards.

Yun Jiaqi smiled sympathetically when she looked at the pitiful sight of her half-sister. Her arms that were wrapped around Su Yang's, gripped more possessively, showing her claim on him as she said, "Because that was the way I have planned it to be, Sister Yiyi. Have you still not understood it? Saving you five years back was the essence of my plan and also the start of the day of your misfortune."

"So, what if you were the eldest daughter? So, what if you have a better upbringing than me? So, what if you are a thousand times better than me? I am still the winner who won the game in the end. The rest doesn't matter. You don't matter. Your life never mattered." She belittled and with her every ugly word like that, Yun Meiyi felt pathetic.

The confidence with which Yun Jiaqi confessed all her misdeeds broke Yun Meiyi from her core. She didn't know how else she would regret the kindness she had once shown to her.

She looked at the floor feeling that, if possible, it would be better to die this moment itself. What's the use of the remaining days she was left with in this world? The tears dropped down from her eyes like the drops raining down from the cloud. They didn't fall on the floor, instead, they wetted the papers she held in her hands.

When she read back the paper tucked in her hand; her pain doubled. Those were the evidence that killed all her confidence in just one second.

Her medical reports! The medical evidence which stated how soon she was going to die. Now, what was the use of holding onto the pride and confidence that she used to have in the past?

Yun Jiaqi's smile deepened. The more she looked at the pitiful state of her half-sister, the more satisfied she felt in her heart.

Seeing her lost like this, she was finally feeling like she had regained everything that she seemed to have lost five years back. Won the challenge and soon, she would regain back the title of the only daughter of the Yun family on whom everyone would dote upon. And to whom, everything would belong to in the future.

Yun Jiaqi turned to look at the man on her side. His eyes were still holding a tinge of concern for Yun Meiyi. Seeing him like that, Jiaqi's gaze turned a bit hostile, but holding her tone in check, she said softly, "Brother Su, are you still sympathizing with her? Did you forget what she did to you and your family? She had purposefully ruined you."

The man expression changed, remembering the state of peril he was brought in by the woman. His eyes that were soft before, turned dark as he sternly said, "I would never repeat my mistake. I would never sympathize with her. She is in the state where she belonged. The state which she deserved. She deserves to die and she would die soon."

He said and hearing him curse the woman like that Yun Jiaqi was even happier. She smiled but her smile didn't overpower the concern she held on her face for the man.

Untangling her arms from him, she looked back at the woman on the floor and stepped closer to her. Slightly getting down to her height, she said getting close to her ears.

"Did you hear that, Sister YiYi? The man with whom you had once oathed to spend the whole of your life is saying that you deserve this death. So, what do you think? Have I not done the right thing to bring you such a beautiful death?"

She said and Yun Meiyi stared up at her with some confusion, her wine-ish red eyes couldn't believe the evilness of the woman that she was only able to see now. Earlier, when she came here, she had just thought to expose her real face to the people, and chide the couple for betraying her behind her back.

But little did she expect that coming here would change the whole of the scenario. That at the end of the day, it would be her who would be proven to be the villain of the story and the one who has been the real villain would come out like the hero to bring evil to its downfall.

"What? What are you looking at me like that, Sister YiYi? Did you not understand it yet?" Yun Jiaqi slowly chuckled, keeping both her voice and laughter soft to not get heard by anyone. "I am talking about these reports and the death I had assigned to you."

"You …"

Before Yun Meiyi could even comprehend those words, Yun Jiaqi nodded to accept. "Of course, it's me. Or who else do you think to bring you to such thoughtful death? Do you even know how much hard work it has taken from me? It was really a tough job to find the poison that kills you slowly and softly, without coming to anyone's notice and also while keeping you all beautiful in your looks and body. So, yes, you can give the credit to me."

Yun Meiyi was all stunned. After all that she faced, this was the last thing she was expecting to hear. Not only was she ruined by the person she once took as her own, but she was also poisoned by her. Could there be anyone more evil?