The Devil of the Universe.

When Yun Meiyi asked, she waited to hear. But when even after a good moment of time, she didn't hear the man saying anything, she looked up at him. Her brows jutted together at first and she was ready to ask him again. But then she restrained herself.

Although she had not talked a lot with the man, based on the few words she had with him, she could tell he could be at the peak of arrogance. That means even if she repeats her question and asks him again, he wouldn't be interested in giving her the answer. So, why lose her face? Hadn't she lost it enough inside?

If she needs to know the effect of the poison on her body, she would find other ways to know about it.

Taking a deep breath in, Yun Meiyi decided to drop the idea of urging him to resolve her curiosity. Then standing up, she gave a nod of understanding to him before putting on a polite smile to say, "I guess the pain is no longer unbearable. I can manage from hereon. Thanks for helping me out. As for the question I asked you, pretend like you haven't heard it. I won't mind. As for what you have done for me today, if in the future, I get a chance, I will repay you." She said and then giving a slight bow of respect, she turned to walk away.

But just after taking a few steps forward, her movements halted hearing the commanding tone of the man from behind.

"I ask you to marry me."

Her brows frowned, as for a moment, she was unable to decipher exactly what he was asking for. She turned around only to find him getting once again enveloped in the darkness of the night. She couldn't see anything but his sturdy figure standing amidst the darkness.

"What did you say?" She asked, finding his words out of the world. After all, who would ask a girl to marry like this? Especially when they are strangers to each other.

The man didn't hesitate to repeat himself, instead walked a step ahead, more in like to say his previous words more clearly, "Marry me." He repeated and Yun Meiyi blinked her eyes simply at him, getting a bit awestruck at his show.

Although she had seen his face closely before in the light of the fountain, right now, under the moonlight the effects looked different. Kind of extra alluring than anyone would have seen anywhere. He looked like any other guy; Meiyi had imagined in her fantasy novels. Face sculpted by the best artists in the heavens, while body designed to torture the most defying soul in hell.

Marry him! Any woman would do that without having a second thought. Even if their rationality would forbid them, their desire would make them agree.

But Yun Meiyi coughed, breaking from the trance that was almost pulling her into the trap of infinity while beguiling her rationality. Shaking her head against his words, she said in a very calm tone, "You might have got the wrong person. Please look for the right one."

She said and then turned again to walk away, but just when she could have resumed her steps, she heard him adding confidently. "I am also surprised, but you are the only right one."

He said and even though Yun Meiyi heard him saying that she didn't plan to give any heed to it. She simply felt that the man has gone insane to propose something like that. She knew there could be a reason behind his proposal like that, but she was in no mood to hear it. His reason was his concern, not hers. So, why should she care?

"Sorry, look for someone else. I am not interested." Yun Meiyi spoke again before resuming her steps.

"You're sure you want to defy me?" When he saw her not stopping, he called again from behind. This time his tone turned a bit towards warning.

Yun Meiyi was an easy person to go with. All her life, she never pulled any tantrum. But even being an easy-going person doesn't mean she was immune to taking other people's arrogance. When she heard the last statement of the man, her lips curled up at his confidence as looking over her shoulders, she asked with her brows raised in amusement, "What's so special about not defying you? Are you lord of some kingdom?"

As she spoke, she thought that the man would know his place and would not probe her further, but his next coming words took her off guard.

"Even better! I am the Prince of Darkness. The Devil of this universe." The man said, keeping his face straight at her. Although his lips tugged up on one corner to reveal a devilish smirk, the curve was so slightest that it looked a part of his nature.

Yun Meiyi stared at him. Her gaze lasted at him for a short while before she quirked up her brows at him to say, "Even if you are the Prince of Darkness or whatever you said, my decision would still remain the same. I am sorry. I am not interested." She said and then turned again to walk away.

With the way she reacted, it was not hard to say that she took all that as a joke. And she was no special to think it that way, any person would have taken it as a jest. As she walked away, she didn't turn back to look at him, but after walking a distance, she paused to add friendly advice.

"Mister, you must have drunk a lot at the party earlier. Please go home and rest early. The night has grown deeper and the longer you would stay out, the faster your brain would shut out. So, go home and rest early. Then tomorrow you would be able to find your mate in your full senses."

After saying that she walked away. Behind, the man didn't budge from his place even after seeing her getting out of vision after a while.